Digital Marketing | Sales Abbreviations & Acronyms

101 Digital Marketing | Sales Abbreviations & Acronyms

With all the different marketing and sales acronyms and abbreviations like CPL |Cost Per Lead| to AIDA |Attention, Interest, Desire, Action|, it might get a bit confusing. But don't worry, our team of digital marketing and SaaS sales enablement experts has put together the top 100 common acronyms and abbreviations in digital marketing and sales that will help make this confusing topic less daunting for businesses big or small.

Here is a list of the must-know digital advertising acronyms and marketing abbreviations you should add to your knowledge bank:

1. PR |Public Relations|
PR is the practice of managing and disseminating information from an organization to the public in order to affect their public perception.

2. PV |Page Views|:
Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed.

3. QR Code |Quick Response Barcode|:
A quick response |QR| code is a type of barcode that contains information and can be read by a digital device, such as a cell phone.

4. RT |Retweet|
A Retweet is a re-posting of a Tweet. on the Twitter network.

5. SEO |Search Engine Optimization|:
The optimization of your website for getting ranked in search engine result pages. Learn how StartUP MQL helps improve SEO rankings for startups here.

6. SM |Social Media|
Social media platforms |FB, Insta, Reddit| allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content.

7. SMM |Social Media Marketing|
It is the use of social media platforms |FB, Insta, Twitter| to promote a product or service.

8. UI |User Interface|:
User interface typically provides user-friendly experiences by allowing users to easily interact with a website or app.

9. URL |Uniform Resource Locator|:
URL is actually the web address / domain name.

10. UV |Unique Visitor|:
A known or unknown user who visits your website or app.

11. UX |User Experience|:
The overall experience that a user has with your business, website, app.

12. AIDA |Attention, Interest, Desire, Action|
It is a four-step purchase funnel where customers journey from attention to action.

13. BANT |Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline|
The BANT formula is there to determine whether a business prospects has a budget, authority, need, and timeline to buy a product or service.

14. BR |Bounce Rate|:
A single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your website or app in which users viewed only a single page.

15. CMO |Chief Marketing Officer|:
The CMO is responsible for overseeing the planning, development and execution of an organization's marketing and advertising initiatives.

16. COS |Content Optimization System|:
A software or platform that focuses on optimizing content to deliver a fully personalized web experience to users.

17. CPA |Cost Per Acquisition|:
CPA is a growth marketing metric that measures the aggregate cost of a user taking an action that leads to a conversion.

18. CPL |Cost Per Lead|:
CPL is a advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for an explicit sign-up or form submission from a user interested in the advertiser's offer. It is also commonly called online lead generation.

19. CR |Conversion Rate|:
CR is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors.

20. CRO |Conversion Rate Optimization|:
CRO is the process of increasing the percentage of users or website or app visitors to take a desired action.

21. CTA |Call to Action|:
CTA is a marketing term for any design to prompt an immediate action or encourage an immediate sale.

22. DM |Direct Mail|
DM is a form of marketing that involves sending a physical piece of promotional material through a courier service to a business or home. Learn more about StartUP MQL’s B2B Direct Mail campaigns here.

Marketing & Sales Acronyms
Digital marketing acronyms & internet marketing acronyms explained here:

23. GA |Google Analytics|:
GA is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.

24. KPI |Key Performance Indicator|:
KPIs is a performance indicator that evaluates the success of an organization or of a particular activity in which it engages.

25. MAP |Marketing Automation Platform|:
MAP software helps you automate marketing & sales engagement to generate more leads, close more deals, and measure marketing activity.

26. RSS |Rich Site Summary|:
RSS is a web feed that enables users and apps to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.

27. B2B |Business to Business|
B2B is where one business makes a commercial transaction with another business.

28. B2C |Business to Customer|
B2C is a digital sales model in which products and services are sold between a business and consumer.

29. CMS |Content Management System|:
CMS is a software application that allows businesses to build and manage a website without having to apply code.

30. CRM |Customer Relationship Management|
CRM is a technology |typically a platform, like HubSpot| for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and customers.

Digital Click Advertising Acronyms:

31. PPC |Pay Per Click|:
PPC is an online advertising model used to drive traffic to websites and apps, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when an ad is clicked.

32. CPC |Cost Per Click|:
CPC is an online advertising model used to drive traffic to websites and apps, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when an ad is clicked.

33. CTR |Click Through Rate|:
CTR is the ratio of users who click on a specific link on a website, app or email to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement.

Sales Acronyms:
Common sales acronyms & abbreviations are explained here:

34. ICP |Ideal Customer’s profile|
An ICP is a description of the type of company (not a end user) that would realize the most value from your product or solution.

35. ILV|Inbound Lead Velocity|:
The ILV is the growth percentage of qualified leads month over month - it measures your pipeline development.

36. MOM |Month over Month|
MOM growth shows insights into the change in the value of a specific metric as a percentage of the previous month's value.

37. MQL |Marketing Qualified Leads|:
MQL is a potential customer that has been qualified by the marketing team and satisfies the criteria necessary to be transferred to the sales team.

38. SLA |Service Level Agreement|
SLA is a contract that establishes a set of deliverables that one party has agreed to provide another. |up-time, quality, availability|

39. ROI |Return on Investment|
ROI is a financial metric for measuring the probability of gaining a return from an investment.

40. ABC |Always Be Closing|
ABC implies that a sales rep should continuously look for new prospects, pitch products or services, and ultimately closing a new sale.

41. AE |Account Executive|
An AE is an employee who has the primary day-to-day responsibility for developing a richer business relationship with a client.

42. AIDA |Attention, Interest, Desire, Action|:
It is a four-step purchase stage where customers travel from attention to action.

43. AM |Account Manager|
A AM is a individual who works for a company and is responsible for managing sales and relationships with set customers.

44. ARPA |Average Revenue Per Account|
ARPA is a profitability measure that assesses a company's revenue per customer account.

45. BDR |Business Development Representative|
A BDR is a sales rep who focuses on generating qualified leads using cold email, cold calling, social selling, and networking. Learn how StartUP MQL helps to exponentially grow B2B startups pipeline and ARR through Demand Generation.

46. CLTV |Customer Lifetime Value|
CLTV is the total worth to a business of a customer over the entire period of their relationship.

47. COB |Close of Business|:
COB refers to the end of a business day|

48. CX |Customer Experience|
The CX refers to a customer’s experience with a business’s product, service, or solution.

49. FAB |Features, Advantages, Benefits|
Features, Advantages and Benefits make up the FAB sales technique.

50. ESP |Email Service Provider|
ESP is the technology a business employs to manage and deliver email marketing communications. Learn more about StartUP MQL’s Email Marketing services to help startups grow their lead generation here.

51. FBML |Facebook Markup Language|
The coding language of Facebook is called FBML.

52. FTP |File Transfer Protocol|
FTP is a way to download, upload, and transfer files from one location to another on the internet and between computer systems.

53. GAS |Guaranteed Article Submission|
GAS means getting a guaranteed one-way link on an article submission.

54. GIS |Google Image Search|
GIS is a search engine owned by Google that allows users to search the World Wide Web for images.

SEO Digital Advertising Acronyms & Abbreviations:
SEO is a wildely known acronym and marketing abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization.

55. GWT |Google Webmaster Tools|
GWT is Google's collection of Search Engine Optimization |SEO| tools that help you manage your site in Google Search results.

56. GYM |Google Yahoo MSN|
It is the abbreviation for the search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft Network.

57. H1 |Level 1 Heading Markup|
H1 is an HTML tag that indicates a heading on a website.

58. H2 |Level 2 Heading Markup|
H2 header is a secondary header used to emphasize secondary keywords and break up content to make it scannable and easy to read.

59. Href |Hypertext Reference|
HREF is the HTML code used to create a link to another page.

60. IBL |Inbound Links|
IBL is a hyperlink on a third-party web page that points to a web page on your website.

61. IM |Internet Marketing|
IM delivers promotional messages to customers through digital channels like search engines, email, websites, and social media.

62. IP |Internet Protocol|
IP is a set of standards for addressing and routing data on the Internet.

63. ISP |Internet Service Provider|
An ISP is an organization that provides services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet.

64. LB |Link Building|
LB is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own.

65. LPO |Landing Page Optimization|
LPO is the process of improving elements on a website to increase conversions.

66. LSEO |Local SEO|
The SEO is done on the local level. Learn more about StartUP MQL’s SEO services here.

67. LTKW |Long Tail Keywords|
LTKW is a phrase that is generally made from three to five words.

68. MTO |Meta Tags Optimization|
MTO are a form of metadata that describes the content of a web page to search engines within its source code.

69. NAP |Name Address Phone Number|
This acronym is used while creating the buyer’s persona.

70. NSEO |Negative SEO|
NSEO refers to the practice of using black hat and unethical techniques to sabotage a competitor's rankings in search engines.

71. OBL |Outbound Link|
OBL are links which are going to take you to alternative webpage or website.

72. OS |Operating System|
OS is a software programme required to manage and operate a computing device like smartphones, computers, web servers, smartwatches, etc.

73. OWBL |One-way Backlink|
OWBL is an SEO technique that will help you improve your exposure in online search.

74. PBN |Private Blog Network|
PBN is a network of websites that place a high quantity of links to another website.

75. PDF |Portable Document Format|
PDF is a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, print, or forward to someone else.

76. PFP |Pay for Performance|
RFP refers to company programs that pay employees based on how they perform their job.

77. QA |Quality Assurance|
QA is any systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specified requirements.

78. QS |Quality Score|
QS is Google's rating of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and PPC ads.

79. RTD |Real-Time Data|
RTD is information that is delivered immediately after collection.

80. SER |Search Engine Ranking|
SER refers to the position a particular Web page holds in the results for a specific query.

81. SERPs |Search Engine Result Pages|
SERPs is the page you see after entering a query into Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine.

82. SNS |Social Networking Service|
SNS is an online vehicle for creating relationships with other people who share an interest, background, or real relationship.

83. TLD |Top Level Domain|
TLD represents the first stop after the root zone. A.K.A. everything that follows the final dot of a domain name.

84. KISS |Keep It Simple Stupid|
KISS is a design principle which states that designs and |or| systems should be as simple as possible.

85. AOV |Average Order Value|:
AOV tracks the average dollar amount spent each time a customer places an order on a website or mobile app.

86. AR |Augmented Reality|
AR is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements and sound delivered via technology.

87. AS |Article Submission|
It is a process of submitting an article to one or many online content publishers.

88. BH |Black Hat|
BH hackers are criminals who break into computer networks with malicious intent.

89. BL |Backlink|
BL is a link created when one website links to another.

90. CAPTCHA |Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart|
CAPTCHA is a type of security measure known as challenge-response authentication.

91. CF |Citation Flow|
CF is a metric trademarked by Majestic that refers to the popularity of a link in a site without considering the quality of these links.

92. DFO |Data Feed Optimization|
DFO is the process of improving, enriching your product feeds in order to increase the results achieved by the online sales efforts across sales channels.

93. DKI |Dynamic Keyword Insertion|
DKI is an advanced form of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising that changes ad content to match a search query.

94. DLR |Deep Link Ratio|
DLR is a measurement of the total number of inbound links to every page on your website vs. the total number of inbound links to only your homepage.

95. DMoz |Directory Mozilla|
DMOZ was a multilingual open-content directory of World Wide Web links.

96. DMP |Data Management Platform|
DMP is a software platform used for collecting and managing data.

97. DNS |Domain Name System|
DNS is the hierarchical and decentralized naming system used to identify computers, services, and other resources reachable through the Internet or other Internet Protocol networks.

98. DR |Domain Ranking|
DR is a search engine ranking score that gives a measure of how successful a site is when it comes to search engine results.

99. DR |Direct Response|
DR is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action.

100. DS |Directory Submission|
DS is defined as the practice of submitting your website URL and its details on the web in a directory under a particular category.

101. EPM |Enterprise Performance Management|
EPM is the process of monitoring performance across the enterprise with the goal of improving business performance.

These are the most-know demand generation acronyms, lead generation acronyms, digital marketing acronyms, PPC acronyms, SEO acronyms, sales acronyms, digital advertising acronyms, and marketing abbreviations for a more robust understanding of digital marketing.

Have a question about the above? Our digital marketing experts specialize in putting together strategic, results-driven demand generation and lead generation campaigns to create six figure enterprise deals for our SaaS partners.

Startup MQL has experts on hand who can help you decide which demand generation strategy is right for your startup at any stage in the game. Email Vas Edelen, Founder of StartUP MQL ( or Schedule your call now with our team to discuss how we can transform the way you generate SaaS leads, SaaS MQLs and improve your lead generation efforts.