SaaS Demand Generation & Enterprise Account-Based Marketing for SaaS Startups

Vas Edelen Vas Edelen

LinkedIn Lead Generation for B2B SaaS Startups

LinkedIn is the most efficient channel for B2B lead generation, this is especially true for SaaS startups requiring enterprise deals valued over six figures. LinkedIn allows you to generate leads through several different lead streams, like posting blogs, infographics, eBooks, sending InMails and connecting with buyer personas. The business peer-to-peer network is considered one of the best social media networks for lead generation in terms of engagement level, as LinkedIn’s user engagement is much higher than on Facebook or Twitter.

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Vas Edelen Vas Edelen

12 Key Lead Generation Strategies for SaaS Startups by StartUP MQL | Part 2 of 2

As a SaaS company, you have one goal in mind: to generate more leads. Lead generation is important to the success of your business because these are prospects who are actually interested in what you have to offer. They could become customers down the road if they’re treated correctly during their initial contact with your brand. So, how do you generate more leads? In this post, we’re going to explore 12 strategies that SaaS companies can implement into their lead generation plan. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to dramatically increase your lead flow within a few months.

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Vas Edelen Vas Edelen

The LEAN way to accelerate qualified B2B SaaS lead acquisitions

Partnering with a demand generation agency that specializes in generating B2B SaaS leads by implementing demand generation and marketing automation will rapidly accelerate quality opportunities into the sales pipeline. StartUP MQL makes it easy to achieve your sales and marketing goals quickly, since we develop a demand generation framework directly into your marketing tech stack vs driving unknown opportunities into your sales pipeline. Essentially, your startup is generating their own opportunities, StartUP MQL merely executes and manages the demand/lead generation process.

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Vas Edelen Vas Edelen

Content Marketing Guide | StartUP MQL

How to use content marketing to get more leads, build your brand, and generate revenue. This guide will help you create a content marketing strategy that’s unique for your business.

Content marketing is content that's designed to attract and engage prospects, with the goal of acquiring or developing business. Content can include articles, blog posts, videos, webinars, guides, whitepapers, infographics - whatever content will help you attract and retain customers.

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Vas Edelen Vas Edelen

8 Mistakes B2B SaaS Startups Are Making In Sales

Venture-funded SaaS startups can sometimes make a few mistakes, especially in the beginning. Things like hiring AEs without a pipeline, adding territories too soon, no lead generation strategy, and lack of workflow automation can have a detrimental impact on your business. Which makes you wonder, what mistakes do most SaaS startups make and can they be avoided? Here you have a list with 8 of the most common mistakes we see in venture funded startups.

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Vas Edelen Vas Edelen

Is Your B2B SaaS Startup Ready to Launch an SEM Campaign?

Many startups will assume once they have built a functional SaaS product they can rely on SEM and SEO to support all of their SaaS MQLs, (Marketing Qualified Leads) however, this could be a costly mistake. SEM is expensive and can quickly cost tens-of-thousands-of-dollars in marketing spend per week, and if the demand generation foundation has not been properly defined before launching an SEM campaign, then the traffic being generated from the SEM ads may not convert due to poor landing pages, poor supporting content, or just completely missing the mark with your targeted personas. Startup entrepreneurs may say this is part of the “growing pains” a young SaaS startup must face as they enter the market, and to a small degree this might be true. (but it doesn’t have to be)

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SaaS Demand Generation, B2B Lead Generation, SEO Content Marketing for SaaS Startups.